High Blood Pressure (hypertension) is one major reason behind most of the severe cardiovascular diseases like heart attack, brain hemorrhage, and stroke. Learn below to tackle this dangerous ailment.
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Hypertension or high blood pressure is also called silent killer. The reason for this is that there are no specific symptoms. A person with high BP does not even know that he has a problem of high blood pressure and he also dies. If you want to beat the enemy, you should know about him first. In the same way, to stay away from the disease, it is prudent to destroy it before knowing its reasons. Let me know what hypertension is and what are the types of hypertension?
High Blood Pressure Or Hypertension
Another name for hypertension is high blood pressure. High blood pressure means increased blood pressure in the blood vessels. Due to the increase in blood pressure, the heart starts working faster. This condition gives rise to heart attack and stroke. These are two such problems which are increasingly becoming a big problem not only for the country but for the people all over the world.
How To Know That You Are A Victim Of High Blood Pressure?
Knowing whether you have hypertension is not a difficult task. You can get your blood pressure checked by going to any nurse or doctor. It is not a complicated process at all.
What Is Normal Blood Pressure?
The blood pressure level is usually read under 120/80 mmHg. 120/80 mmHg blood pressure is normal. When the blood pressure starts to go higher than this, it is called increased blood pressure. Experts do not take readings up to 139/89 mmHg very seriously. It is definitely that after having a blood pressure of 139/89 mmHg you need to change your lifestyle.
What Is High Blood Pressure?
The danger of high blood pressure from 140/90 mmHg has rung. Blood pressure greater than 140/90 mmHg is counted in the category of hypertension.
Types Of Hypertension
There are mainly two types of hypertension.
Primary Hypertension
The first type of hypertension is primary or essential hypertension. Most people are affected by essential hypertension. What causes this hypertension is not known. As the age increases, the problem of high blood pressure starts to become serious.
Secondary Hypertension
The second type of hypertension type is secondary hypertension. Secondary hypertension is mainly related to any other disease of the body. Secondary hypertension can be controlled by treatment of the disease or medication.
Other Types Of Hypertension
Isolated Systolic Hypertension
Blood pressure is read in number two. The first number is the systolic pressure i.e. the pressure that occurs during the heartbeat and the second number is the diastolic pressure i.e. the stop or rest during the heartbeat. Normal blood pressure is assumed to be 120/80 mmHg. In isolated systolic hypertension the systolic pressure goes above 140 and the diastolic pressure remains normal or below 90. This problem can be seen more in the elderly. At the same time, systolic pressure is more important than diastolic pressure. Since it is effective in increasing the risk of heart disease.
Renal Hypertension
Increased hypertension due to kidney disease is called renal or Reno vascular hypertension. In this type of hypertension, the arteries that carry blood to the kidneys shrink. It is also called Renal Artery Stenosis. Symptoms of renal hypertension do not catch up. Still, headache, bleeding in urine, hemorrhage can be counted among some of its symptoms.
Malignant Hypertension
One type of hypertension is malignant hypertension. Malignant hypertension affects very few people. It increases blood pressure very quickly. When your diastolic pressure exceeds 130, you can be said to have malignant hypertension. This can have a negative effect on any part of the body. There can be many reasons for this: Skipping blood pressure medication, Collagen Vasculature Design, Kidney disease, Adrenal gland tumor
o This type of hypertension can also be caused by birth control drugs.
o It can also be caused by weed, hemp and cannabis etc.
o This type of hypertension can cause blurred vision, changes in mental state, syncope, headaches, and vomiting. Brain swelling may also occur due to this type of hypertension. Brain swelling is a serious disease called hypertensive encephalopathy.
Resistant Hypertension
Resistant hypertension can be a genetic problem. If seen, the elderly, women and obese people and kidney and diabetes patients are more vulnerable to it. In this, even the medicine given by the doctor does not prove effective.
Causes Of Hypertension
The worsening biography is the biggest disease in today's world and the root of every disease. Hypertension is also not untouched by this. The main reason for hypertension is poor diet, non-exercise and stress or tension. Obesity, smoking, alcohol, diet play an important role in hypertension. Therefore it is important to keep them under control. If you want, you can know how close to obesity you are in three steps of BMI calculator.
Symptoms Of Hypertension
The serious thing is that 90 percent of people do not know about hypertension. You cannot make any one thing a fixed scale. Nevertheless, some of the symptoms of hypertension are as follows.
Numbness of arms and legs
Blurred vision
Chest pain
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Danger Of Hypertension
High blood pressure can affect any part of the body, but it causes the most damage to the heart. High pressure can lead to heart attack, stroke, kidney problems or dementia. There may also be a life risk due to hypertension.
High blood pressure is not just a disease of the elderly. Due to the decline in lifestyle, youth and children are also vulnerable. 90 percent of patients are unable to know the cause of hypertension. Due to this, they are unable to defend it. Therefore, it is important that you keep stress away from yourself by doing cardio exercises that keep your heart healthy, plenty of healthy diet and meditation.